Wednesday, November 18, 2009


HAS SHE GONE!!!!!!!!!!

This stupid fucking tart has just had to rush her son into hospital as he is very ill, but she has just flown to Australia for I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here.

So which sucker has she got her sights on this time?

Is Harvey ill or was it just a story to make people feel sorry for her?

Was it a plan to try to get Peter back?

No-one will ever know as Jordan has decided getting her tits out on tv is more important than being there for her family.

This poor child needs love and 24/7 care not to be dumped on any fucker who can be bothered to look after him as his mother cannot.
Everyone I speak too feels sorry for the children that have to say Jordan/Katie Price is their mother.
People like Jordan need to be put down.

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